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 Hi! Stoke | ACAVA Arts Workshops 

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Is a partnership project between Historic England and Stoke-On-Trent City Council to support the regeneration of Stoke’s High Street through Heritage. The scheme includes public realm work which you can find out more about here: Stoke Town HSHAZ Public Realm Work

It also includes cultural and community based activity in the high street. B arts, along with other Stoke based cultural organisations, Acava SpodeWorks, British Ceramics Biennial, Festival Stoke, Spode Museum Trust, Friends of Spode Rose Garden, are working to help run new activity and raise the profile of existing cultural offers in the town.

The cultural programme includes mini festivals and events run by the cultural consortium. The first of these took place in April 2022, using the space between the library and market as the main event space, with linked activity happening inside the market and around the town. 




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